The Department of Public Works is staffed by two full time employees. These Employees are responsible for maintenance of all buildings and grounds, snow removal, streets, and parks within the Village of Mancelona.
- Craig Hart – Supervisor
- James Fisher – Crew
To contact the Department of Public Works call 587-8331.

Water & Sewer
Area Water and Sewer services are the responsibility of Mancelona Area Water and Sewer Authority (MAWSA).
For information regarding these services please contact at 231-587-0744
9610 S M-88
PO Box 940
Mancelona, MI 49659
Streets & Snow Removal
The DPW regularly monitors all roads to ensure the safety of our residents. The Village has a street plan in place for maintaining and repaving the village streets as funds allow.
During the winter months, snow plowing and sidewalk plowing begins in the early morning.
Per village ordinance we ask that residents do not park on Village streets from 3am to 6am so that they do not interfere with the plow trucks. All of our streets maintain a high priority to the department! Our route typically begins in the downtown area, State Street, Williams Street, South Maple, St. Johns Street and Carrolton to accommodate the morning commuters and school buses. Once those streets are cleared, we work into all other residential areas. Sidewalks are also maintained early for children walking to school.
Yard Waste & Brush Drop Off
The Village offers a compost pile for grass and leaves ONLY located at the DPW garage at 404 Center St.
The Compost Pile is open anytime for your convenience – No commercial dumping!
The Village and Township of Mancelona have partnered together to provide space for brush drop off for the residents only. The Brush drop off is for trees, branches, shrubs, stumps, leaves and grass disposal.
The Brush Drop off is located just off Elder Road on Indian Trail and is open daily – No commercial dumping!
The Rules are as follows:
2. No Building Materials
3. No Concrete
Curbside Brush Pick Up
The Village of Mancelona will do curbside brush pick up every Tuesday morning April 1st through October 31st as follows:
First Tuesday, Village Section South of State Street and East of US 131.
Second Tuesday, Village Section North of State Street and East of US 131.
Third Tuesday, Village Section East of Maple Street and West of US 131 and South of State Street and West of US 131.
Forth Tuesday, Village Section West of Maple Street and North of State Street.
The Rules are as follows:
1. No brush allowed on side of the road prior to 5 days before pickup.
2. All brush must meet the following requirements:
a. NO longer than 6 feet in length
b. NO larger than 6 inches in diameter
c. NO logs or stumps
d. NO leaves or grass clippings
3. Limit of ONE 4ft by 4ft pile per residence per month.
For any questions, please call 587-8331.